
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Amazon Sale

Hurry Up and Get it Now

कैसे घटायें वजन

मोटापा एक समस्‍या की तरह है और यह कई बीमारियों का कारण भी बनता है, अगर आप नियमित रूप से जिम नहीं जा सकते हैं तो इसे नियंत्रित करने के कई अन्‍य कारगर तरीके भी हैं।

  • वजन घटाना

    मोटापा एक समस्‍या की तरह है और इसके कारण कई बीमारियों के होने की संभावना भी रहती है। इसलिए जितना जल्‍दी हो सके मोटापे को नियंत्रित कर लेना चाहिए। लेकिन वास्‍तव में मोटापा कम करना आसान नहीं है। वजन कम करने के थका देने वाले शेड्यूल का पालन करना भी मुश्किल होता है। कई बार लोग डाइट के नाम पर भूखे रहते हैं, जो सेहत के लिए नुकसानदेह होता है। अगर आप इन तरीकों को अजमाते हैं तो आसानी से 12 किग्रा तक वजन कम कर सकते हैं।
    वजन घटाना

    जिम छोड़ें

    जिम में जाकर घंटों पसीने बहाना मुश्किल काम है। तो क्‍यों इस मुश्किल काम को किया ही जाये, बिना जिम के भी अगर वजन कम हो सकता है तो उन्‍हें भी आजमायें। जिम जाने की बजाय जॉगिंग, रनिंग, डांसिंग, योगा आदि कीजिए। इनके लिए आपको कोई निश्चित समय नहीं निर्धारित करना होगा, इन्‍हें दिन में कभी भी कर सकते हैं।

    जिम छोड़ें
  • हमेशा खाने से दूर रहने की कोशिश

    खाने के अलावा इस दुनिया कई काम हैं जो आपको सुकून देंगे और व्‍यस्‍त भी रखेंगे। तो अगर घर में आप बैठे हैं और खाली हैं तो आपको बार-बार फ्रिज की आवाज सुनाई देगी और उसमें रखे फूड खाने से आप खुद को नहीं रोक पायेंगे। तो अगर वजन कम करना है तो क्‍यों न थोड़ा सा सामाजिक काम भी कर लिया जाये, इससे आप थोड़ी देर टहल भी लेंगे और वजन भी कम हो जायेगा।
    हमेशा खाने से दूर रहने की कोशिश
  • शुगर से करें तौबा

    मोटापे के लिए जिम्‍मेदार कारकों में शुगर भी है। अगर आप वजन कम करने की कोशिश में हैं तो शुगर से दूर रहने की कोशिश करें। अधिक चीनी वाली चाय न पियें, ऐसे पेय पदार्थों से दूर रहें जिसमें शुगर की मात्रा अधिक हो, कैंडी भी न खायें।
    शुगर से करें तौबा
  • कुछ नया आजमायें

    वजन कम करने में आपके दिल के आवाज का भी बहुत महत्‍व होता है, अगर आपके मन में खेलने और बाहर जाने का मन करे तो वो जरूर करें। यानी इस बार वजन कम करने के लिए आप कुछ नया आजमायें। रॉक क्‍लाइंबिंग, बंजी जंपिंग, स्‍काई डाइविंग से भी वजन कम किया जा सकता है, यह रोमांचक भी है और इससे वजन भी कम होता है।
    कुछ नया आजमायें
  • खाने से पहले लें हल्की डाइट

    खाना खाने से पहले हल्‍का नाश्‍ता करना बहुत जरूरी है, यह आपको ओवरईटिंग से बचाता है। भोजने से आधे घंटे पहले हल्की डाइट लेना बहुत फायदेमंद है। सलाद, पानी या फल खो के आधे घंटे पहले लें जिससे आपकी डाइट नियंत्रित भी होगी और एक साथ हेवी डाइट भी आप न ले पायें।
    खाने से पहले लें हल्की डाइट
  • फल भी खाएं

    मोटापे पर नियंत्रण के लिए फल बहुत जरूरी है, फलों में कैलोरी की मात्रा कम होती है और यह शरीर को जरूरी पौष्टिक तत्‍व भी प्रदान करते हैं। फलों की खास बात यह होती है कि इन्‍हें आप ब्रेकफास्‍ट, लंच और डिनर के बीच में कभी भी खा सकते हैं। तरबूज, पपीता, संतरे, स्ट्राबेरी आदि का सेवन भी करें।
    फल भी खाएं
  • फास्‍ट फूड है दुश्‍मन

    अगर आप वजन कम करने की कवायद कर रहे हैं तो जंक फूड और फास्‍ट फूड से तौबा कर लें। तली हुई चीजें जैसे - आलू चिप्‍स, कुकीज का कम से कम सेवन करें। फास्‍ट फूड जैसे - बर्गर, पिज्‍जा की जगह सलाद, फ्रूट जैसे हेल्‍दी डायट का सेवन करें।
    फास्‍ट फूड है दुश्‍मन
  • साथ रखें हेल्‍दी स्‍नैक्‍स

    अगर आप दिनभर किसी काम से बाहर रहते हैं, और भूख लगने पर बाहर का खाते हैं। तो आपके लिए बहुत जरूरी है कि बाहर के खाने से बचें, इसकी जगह अपने साथ हेल्‍दी स्‍नैक्‍स रखें। जब भी आपको भूख लगे फास्‍ट फूड की जगह उन स्‍नैक्‍स का सेवन करें।
    साथ रखें हेल्‍दी स्‍नैक्‍स
  • फाइबर युक्‍त आहार

    वजन कम करने में फाइबरयुक्‍त आहार बहुत महत्‍वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। यह आपके शरीर को कोलेस्‍ट्रॉल से बचाता है और उसे आपके शरीर से बाहर करता है। फाइबरयुक्‍त भोजन आपके शरीर की अतिरिक्‍त कैलोरी को भी जलाता है। विभिन्‍न प्रकार की दालें, साबुत अनाज, ताजे फलों और हरी सब्जियों में फाइबर बहुतायत में होता है।
    फाइबर युक्‍त आहार

Friday 23 October 2015

Beauty Treatments From Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is a great source of beauty goodness.
Think you have to spend a lot of money to get gorgeous? Think again. Some of the most powerful beauty treatments can be found in your kitchen. Even better? They cost a fraction of the price of even drugstore beauty finds. Another bonus is in the age of everything being labeled as “natural” these treatments really are.
Deep conditioning treatment: Olive oil is one of the most potent conditioning treatments for your hair. Just wash your hair with shampoo, squeeze out excess water, and coat your hair with the oil. Tie up your hair and let it soak in for 30 minutes, then rinse out. If you have oily hair, coat ends only.
Hair reviver: Even the best shampoos and conditioners build up, leaving hair lifeless and flat. Revive your hair by rinsing it with two cups of apple cider vinegar after shampooing. Let it work it’s magic for a minute and rinse out with water.
Makeup remover: Pair olive oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil with a cotton swab to remove even the most stubborn makeup. Bonus: The oils add a hydrating boost to your skin.
Facial mask: Yogurt has natural alpha hydroxy acids to lightly exfoliate skin. To make a DIY antioxidant mask, dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban recommends combining a cup of yogurt with a spoonful of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory honey and antioxidant-rich frozen strawberries and blueberries. Blend the ingredients and apply to your face for 15 minutes. “The antioxidants will penetrate and repair the skin,” Dr. Shamban says.
Body Moisturizer: Apply extra-virgin coconut oil to your skin right after you get out of the shower. It’s, well, oily — so apply sparingly. Let it soak in for a few minutes, and remove any excess with a tissue before getting dressed. The vitamin-rich oil is a powerful moisturizer and has antibacterial properties too.
Lip Scrub: Yahoo Beauty Editor Alexandra Perron is a fan of mixing 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil, and ½ tablespoon of brown sugar to create the perfect lip scrub. First mix together the honey and coconut oil. Then add the sugar to create a paste. Apply to lips and scrub gently in a circular motion until sugar is dissolved. Wipe off any excess with a tissue, and follow with your favorite lip balm.
Body Scrub: Yahoo Beauty’s Editor in Chief Bobbi Brown mixes brown sugar and olive oil to create a DIY body scrub. “You do it before you go in the shower. You just take it, you scrub, then you just rinse it off when you’re in the shower,” Brown recently told Good Morning America. “You don’t have to put moisturizer on afterwards, because your skin is nice and hydrated.”

Minimum bonus to be hiked to Rs 7,000 a year

Several lakhs of workers in the organised sector will benefit as the Cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal to raise the salary threshold for mandatory bonus for workers from Rs 10,000 a month at present to Rs 21,000 and the minimum bonus from an annual Rs 3,500 now to Rs 7,000.
All factories and establishments employing 20 or more persons are expected to pay the bonus compulsorily, provided the worker has worked in the establishment for at least 30 days. Employees in Life Insurance Corporation, sailors, dock workers and university employees are outside the Act’s ambit.
The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015 will be tabled in Parliament for this purpose. The new bonus norms will take effect retrospectively from April 1, 2015.
While the minimum bonus is a legal liability on the firms concerned, whether or not they make a profit, these firms are also required to pay the workers a higher bonus if their “allocable surplus” exceeds the amount payable as minimum bonus, subject to a cap (20%) of the salaries.
The salary ceiling for mandatory bonus eligibility was last fixed in 2007 and made effective retrospectively from April 1, 2006. While industry associations demanded exempting sick units from the requirement of paying bonus, trade unions have pitched for the removal of the ceilings as “profits are not capped”, official sources said.

Here's why a 23-year-old Google employee is living in a truck on the company's campus

inside2(Brandon) One Google employee moved inside this Ford five months ago to save on rent.
The cost of living in San Francisco is laughably steep. The Economic Policy Institute estimates that single people should allocate $3,632 for monthly expenses, which amounts to over $40,000 a year.
Most of that money is thrown towards rent, a frustrating reality for many professionals who don't even spend much time out of the office and at home.
One such professional — a 23-year-old software engineer at Google — figured out a creative solution to this real estate conundrum: Rather than settling into an overpriced apartment, he moved into a 128-square-foot truck — on the company's campus.
It allows him to save about 90% of his take-home pay.
Brandon — who asked to withhold his last name and photo to maintain his privacy on campus — began toying with the idea last summer. At the time, he was interning at Google and living in the cheapest corporate housing offered: two bedrooms and four people for about $65 a night (roughly $2,000 a month).
"I realized I was paying an exorbitant amount of money for the apartment I was staying in — and I was almost never home," he tells Business Insider.
"It's really hard to justify throwing that kind of money away. You're essentially burning it — you're not putting equity in anything and you're not building it up for a future — and that was really hard for me to reconcile."
Knowing that he'd be returning to work full time in San Francisco after graduating from UMass Amherst, he immediately started thinking about truck-life logistics. About a year later, he was purchasing a 16-foot 2006 Ford for $10,000.
truck (1)(Brandon) Brandon purchased this 2006 Ford for exactly $10,000.

He pays no rent and no electricity. His one fixed cost is truck insurance, which comes to $121 a month.
This allows him to accelerate his student loan payments (he expects the full $22,434 to be paid off within the next six months), get a head start on investing, and enjoy the Bay area more than if he opted for renting an apartment.
He's not sure how permanent life inside a box will be, but so far the pros seem to be outweighing the cons: "It's been five months so far, and I don't see it stopping soon for any reason," he says.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Ayurveda In Your Kitchen

When set up properly, your kitchen can be the source of great healing medicine.  Herbs and spices found in our kitchen can be used to ward off common ailments and these are effective and safe. Most of them are antiviral, antibacterial and have vitamins that our body requires. Here are few everyday basics to strengthen your kitchen’s ayurvedic power:

Ginger (Adrak)
Ginger is known for its anti inflammatory properties. It can be used for headaches. For instance, mixing equal parts of ginger juice and lemon juice and consuming it once or two times a day can provide relief from headache. You can also make a paste of one teaspoon of dry ginger powder along with two teaspoons of water; apply it on the forehead for a few minutes. It is also helpful in reducing joint pains, improves digestion and helps in nausea and vomiting.

Carom seeds (Ajwain)
Ajwain mixed with small amount of salt when sipped with warm water is very useful for treating indigestion and stomach pain. Paste of ajwain and jaggery is also helpful in asthma treatment. Drinking ajwain tea helps provide relief from cold.

Turmeric (Haldi)
It is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial herb. It helps reduce joint pain and it also heals cuts, prevents infection and is used to treat wounds. Turmeric milk provides relief from aches and pains and also strengthens the spine and joints. It is a good remedy for cough and cold and also relieves headache

Basil leaves (Tulsi)
Basil leaves are used to treat ulcers, wounds and cuts due to its antiseptic properties. Grind basil leaves and mix with sandalwood powder, apply this mixture to reduce pain. A mixture of basil leaves juice and coconut oil can be applied on cuts and wounds to give relief. Chewing some fresh basil leaves gives relief from cold and flu. To get rid of sore throat, gargling with water boiled with basil leaves is a useful remedy.

Fenugreek (Methi)
A spoon of fenugreek seeds mixed with a pinch of asafoetida (heeng) along with water provides relief from stomach pain. Fenugreek is also useful in diabetes as it has a high amount of soluble fibre which helps lower blood sugar by slowing down digestion of carbohydrates. Methi ladoos are used as a cure for joint or back pain.

Asafoetida (Hing)
It has antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is very useful in treating stomach disorders and also helps to relieve chest congestion. Heating some asafoetida in about one and a half cup of water and drinking it a few times on a daily basis can provide relief from mild tension headaches. It can also help to alleviate toothache; keep a small piece of asafoetida on an aching tooth to get relief.

Bitter gourd (Karela)
It is useful in joint pains, digestion and gas problems. Bitter gourd is a very good remedy for diabetes, drinking bitter gourd juice empty stomach in the mornings can help keep diabetes under control. It is also a rich source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C and Iron.

Lemon (Nimbu)
Lemons are rich in vitamin C which protects against cold and flu. You can get relief from headache by drinking warm water mixed with lemon or have a steaming cup of lemon tea. Vitamin C is also significant for healthy glowing skin; it can be applied to scars or age spots to reduce their appearance. Drinking lemon water also helps get rid of toxins from the body which is useful in keeping the skin clear of blemishes.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

NASA on Sunday shared two stunning pictures

Image credit: NASA

NASA on Sunday shared two stunning pictures of the international border between India and Pakistan as seen from outer space on their Facebook.
Of the hundreds of yellow clusters of lights, the largest are the capital cities of Islamabad, Pakistan, and New Delhi, India. The lines of major highways connecting the cities also stand out.
The line of lights, with a distinctly orange hue, snaking across the center of the image, is the fenced and floodlit border zone between India and Pakistan. The fence is designed to discourage smuggling and arms trafficking.
NASA, in their website, says the image was taken with a 16 mm lens, which provides the wide field of view, as the International Space Station (ISS) was tracking towards the southeast across India.

Sunday 4 October 2015

5 Most Popular Myths About Drinking Water Busted

How many times have you went around seeking natural solutions for glowing skin, weight loss, good digestion and more; and your search has ended on one resource - water? It is natural and is easily available, but is it essentially as good as it is proclaimed to be? There are myths regarding certain ‘magical’ qualities of water that are result of incomplete knowledge or lack of knowledge. It is, therefore, necessary to bust the myths hovering around drinking water and drive home clear viewpoint. Take a look, as we bust the top 5 myths surrounding water.
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#Myth 1. Drinking water between meals is bad for the digestion

Myth Busted: There is absolutely no scientific evidences around such claims. Drinking water between meals can probably reduce your appetite as your stomach feels full. If you were worried that drinking water between meals would seriously affect your digestion, forego of this thought, right away.

#Myth 2. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water is good and beneficial for health

Myth Busted: This is again a very popular age-old myth that has traveled down through the generations, and across cultures and continents. Scientists, on the other hand, have proven that there is no direct or indirect correlation between drinking water all through the day and good health. Doctors recommend that one should drink water only to quench thirst.
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#Myth 3. Drinking excess of water is beneficial for your health

Myth Busted: Scientists and doctors have pointed out that drinking excess amount of water is potentially harmful for the body as it would lower the concentration of salt inside the body. Water intoxication is considered to be a fatal situation when there is excessive dilution of sodium in the blood. This happens because the kidneys are over worked, and cannot excrete excess of water inside the body as urine.
Recommended Read: 9 Common Foods That Are Incredibly Effective To Burn Tummy Fat

#Myth 4. Drinking water will help in cleansing the body’s toxins

Myth Busted: Drinking excess water will not clear the toxins that form in your body. In fact, toxins are cleared by the kidneys. Drinking large quantity of water will show a possible reduction in the power of our kidneys to work as a natural filter.

#Myth 5. Drinking water is healthy for the skin

Myth Busted: Since 60% of human body is made of water, therefore, drinking plenty of water will give you a healthy and glowing skin. However, very little is accrued by the scientists and doctors on this matter. The beauty of our skin is result of genetics, diet, weather, lifestyle, etc.
Having an idea about the popular myths around drinking water will obviously help you to become clear on the facts related to it, and you too will be able to guide individuals who are living in dark with all these myths.

This 7-Day GM Diet Plan Is Actually The Fastest Way To Lose Weight

Worried about your growing belly? Confused about choosing a good diet plan? Well, here is one for you. If you want to lose weight very quickly, then the seven-day GM diet plan may help you.
Trending: #LoseItLikeBhumi: Dum Laga Ke Haisha Actress Bhumi Pednekar Shares Her Awesome Weight Loss Secrets
Yes, you read it right. This diet plan is the fastest (seven days only!) and the healthiest way to lose weight. Trust us, we are not kidding. It is a famous program and is known worldwide for its quick success.

Advantages of GM diet

This seven-day diet plan was developed for the employees of General Motors. The main aim of this program was to attain good health and fitness. A look at the major benefits of the diet should be enough to convince you of its success:
  • Lose five kgs to eight kgs within seven days
  • Reduces flab from the tummy area
  • Adds natural glow to the skin
  • Rids the body of the toxins and you actually feel light and happy
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The diet plan will sound outrageously cruel, but it becomes easy to follow if you complete the first two days successfully. By successful completion, it is obviously implied that you resist every single urge to break the diet regime. However, you must get a nod from your doctor before attempting this diet.
So, here is the day-wise GM diet plan (along with a cheat-sheet).

#Day 1

Only fruits, with the exception of bananas, litchi, mangoes and grapes. Eat lots of watermelon, melon, pomegranates, apples, lime, oranges, strawberries and any other fruit that you like. Eat 20 times a day, if you want to, but only fruits. If you feel yourself craving for salt, then a tiny-winy ‘hajmola’ tab will help immensely.
Inspiring Read: Celebrity Fitness: The Incredible Weight Loss Journey Of Arjun Kapoor From 140 Kgs To 75 Kgs

#Day 2

Only vegetables. Begin your day with one boiled potato with a tea-spoon of butter. For the rest of the day, eat only raw, boiled or otherwise cooked vegetables without oil. Don’t eat more than one potato for the day. You can eat cabbage, carrots, cucumber, gourd and other vegetables. Add basil and oregano seasoning to them to make them more edible. Remember, if you make it through Day 2, then half the battle is won!

#Day 3

Basically a combination of Day 1 and Day 2, which means you can eat fruits and vegetables of your liking, but no bananas or potatoes. Eat to your heart’s content and do not forget to drink a lot of water.
Good Read: 10 Easiest Tricks To Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss

#Day 4

Bananas and Milk. You have the liberty to eat almost six bananas and have up to four glasses of milk. Though, you were told that bananas lead to weight gain, in this diet, the bananas act as a source of sodium and potassium, since your salt intake during the GM diet had reduced considerably.
You can even have the highly diluted, yet yummy vegetable soup (tomatoes, onions, capsicum and garlic). It is such a respite after the three days on fruits and vegetables only.
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#Day 5

Image Courtesy: Divas Can Cook
Another feast day where you can eat sprouts, tomatoes and cottage cheese (paneer). You could also eat chicken or soya chunks. Supplement your diet with the wonder soup. Increase the intake of water on account of the urea formation.
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#Day 6

Similar to Day 5, so you can eat sprouts, cottage cheese, chicken, soya chunks and other vegetables. No tomatoes. Supplement your diet with the wonder soup.

#Day 7

It is the last day and you must be feeling very light and happy. This day you can have fruit juice, a bowl of rice or half roti, and any vegetable that you want to eat.
Important: It is imperative to Drink 12 to 15 glasses of water every day during the course of the diet. No fruit juices(other than day seven), tea, coffee or alcohol. You can take black tea, black coffee and lime water (no sugar). Moreover, 45 minutes of workout daily or on alternate days helps in achieving superb results.
If you are trying to lose to weight for a special occassion then you should try this diet at least two months before the event.  Also, you should maintain a gap of three to seven days between subsequent regimes.
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