
Wednesday 16 December 2015

Best Breakfast Habits to Drop 5 Pounds

"I just can't seem to lose weight," my friend Cassie told me one morning over breakfast. She was drinking a cup of coffee and eating a bowl of granola, rushing to get to work after pressing the snooze button three times.
"Here's your problem," I said, "and your solution: Swap that coffee for tea, replace the granola with eggs and wake up 10 minutes earlier. Boom: You just lost 10 pounds this week alone."
"That's all I have to do?" she asked.
That's all. How do I know it works? Because author Kelly Choi and the editors of Eat This, Not That! put test panelists on a best-selling new weight-loss plan—The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse—and they lost up to 10 pounds in one week! The Cleanse combines delicious, inexpensive teas with creamy smoothies and filling dinners—the perfect way to jumpstart your weight loss (and your morning). Combine it with these 29 other essential A.M. rituals, and you'll start blasting fat before the alarm even goes off. And to see exactly how tea can get a flatter stomach—and lead to a happier and healthier you—don't miss The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse! Test panelists lost up to 10 pounds in one week!

1. Prepare breakfast the night before

“Something like overnight oats are a great choice and prepping the night before decreases the chance that you will skip breakfast or opt for the unhealthy and easy options,” says Jim White RD, ACSM Health Owner, Jim White Fitness&Nutrition Studios. Whether or not you heat it up on the morning is up to you...but hot or cold, you can enjoy it with fruit, nuts or fat-busting cinnamon! Oats are high in fiber, which will help you feel satiated—and less likely to snack on those donuts that a coworker brought to work. Ready to prep? Try one of these 25 Overnight Oats That Boost Your Metabolism in the Morning!

2. Melt Fat With Delicious Tea

As I said: tea and weight loss are a natural pair, according to research in Kelly Choi's new best-seller, The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse. What makes green tea especially so waist friendly are compounds called catechins, belly-fat crusaders that blast adipose tissue by revving the metabolism, increasing the release of fat from fat cells (particularly in the belly), and then speeding up the liver’s fat burning capacity. In a recent study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups of green tea with a 25-minute sweat session (or 180 minutes a week), lost two more pounds than the non tea-drinking exercisers. Meanwhile, a research team in Washington found that the same amount of coffee (5+ cups/day) doubled visceral belly fat. For the entire plan, don't miss The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse! Test panelists lost up to 10 pounds in one week!

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